If you were to look back on your bank statement from last month and saw that one day you spent £2.80 on a coffee and then the next day you saw you spent £3, what would you think? Would you care? Probably not right, because at a glance 20p isn't really a big deal in the scheme of things. However 20p a day for a few months adds up quite nicely.
My primary bank Monzo has a feature which for every purchase I make, it automatically rounds it up to the next pound and puts that in a separate 'pot' which I use for savings. For example if I spent £2.47 would appear on my statement as £3 with 53p going into my savings pot. Below is a screenshot from my account and the amount of roundups I've made since June...
That's right, £82.27 just from an automatic system! As you can see 20p here and there really does add up and it's a great way to subconsciously save if you struggle with this!
So that's £82.27 closer to 1 million....
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